Nota Bene: I have no idea what I'm doing.

Welcome! You have reached the personal homepage of Sacha Sokoloski. I am a group leader at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health, directed by Professor Philipp Berens. I lead the Neural Modelling group, where we develop and apply computational models of sensory neural circuits in the brain using a mixture of techniques from and deep neural networks, to biophysical modelling, to probabilistic models.

On this website you will find a summary of my research, including my past and current research, my larger research vision, and brief description of my library for type-safe numerical optimization named Goal (Geometric Optimization Libraries). I maintain a blog where I provide tutorials for the Goal libraries, and introductions to my theories and published work. Finally, you may learn a bit about my personal life outside of research, or just cut straight to the facts with my curriculum vitae.